sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2016

Photographed by Raymond Meier, Vogue, May 2008.How Election 2016...

Photographed by Raymond Meier, Vogue, May 2008.

How Election 2016 turned an otherwise normal woman into an Internet troll (and why):

Somewhere along the way (halfway between the fall of “Little Marco” and Melania Trump/Michelle Obama’s convention speech?), I’d lost my chill. I’d become a woman possessed by political passion and the only logical thing to do with it, it seemed, was to unleash it all on Facebook (and Twitter, too, though my debates tend to flourish on Facebook, as I’m more likely to dignify a “friend” with a response than a guy with an egg for an avatar). I’d become one of the more than 109 million Americans who, between January 1 and October 1 of this year, generated 5.3 billion likes, posts, comments, and shares about the election on Facebook, according to the social network. There is no data on how much of this activity is sniping at elementary school acquaintances and ex-neighbors, but based on my feed, it’s a lot.

Read more.


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